Men at St Aldates
To Know God & to Serve in His Name
St Aldates Men exists to encourage and equip the men of our church in our mission to know God as sons, and to serve our families and communities in his name. As Christians, we look to Jesus as our model of how to embrace truth, love, courage, vulnerability, and a passionate faith as men.
We meet in a variety of ways throughout the week, looking to build friendship and community in both good and difficult times. Here are some of the ways in which you can get involved:
Studying the Bible and praying together online weekly
Enjoying social times and events online bi-weekly
Learning together through regular conferences
Regularly having breakfast together in normal times
Jesus is our king to serve, our lord to love, and our constant friend through the thick and thin of life.
Wherever you are on your journey of faith we look forward to meeting you.